¿What is an anal fistula and what is the treatment?
An anal fistula is an abnormal connection between the internal anal canal and the skin around the perianal region.
Anal fistula is generated from the anal glands which become blocked and the result is eventually forming an abscess which protrudes from the surface of the perianal skin.
Anal fistulas do not always cause pain but can cause a feeling of anal irritation and discomfort because drainage of pus. They may also have redness and / or induration of the perianal skin.
Diagnosis and treatment of anal fistula
The diagnosis of an anal fistula is made by examining the anal area as the professional can find a small opening of the fistula.
The goal of treatment is to eradicate the anal fistula. In cases, the infection is treated with antibiotics, and in others, surgery resection of the fistula leaving it open until complete healing takes place.